LEADRANGER Graduation Class of 2019

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11 Jan 2022
5 min read

LEADRanger Graduation Class of 2019

We’re pleased to report that our LEADRanger program graduated another class this year.

Our comprehensive LEADRanger Course ran from May 5th through August 23rd. It was directed and supported from IAPF’s LEADRanger HQ in the Kasigau Corridor, Kenya.

LEADRanger course

The individuals in every LEADRanger class all currently work as rangers from different areas on the African continent. They’re all unique, and each has an interesting personal story. In fact, we’re proud to tell you that two of our Akashinga rangers, Juliana and Petronella from Zimbabwe, attended and trained alongside other rangers from around Africa.

LEADRangers protecting elephants

What is the LEADRanger Course All About?

The LEADRanger comprehensive education strategy is to provide the anti-poaching industry a new cadre of home-grown leaders who are equipped to meet evolving anti-poaching challenges. Upon return to their home units, these individuals will in turn share their knowledge, build networks, and help meet regional conservation needs over the long-term.

The comprehensive LEADRanger course offers four technical domains with a number of sub-topics within each:

  • Resilience: Ranger Life Saver (field trauma care); Preventive Medicine; Stress Management; Survival & Sustainment.
  • Law Enforcement: Law & Ethics; Patrolling; Ranger Defensive Tactics (use of force and associated unarmed techniques); Standard Operating Procedures; Tracking; Logging and Reporting; Emergency Procedures.
  • Biodiversity: Conservation; Bush Firefighting; Wildlife Poisoning.
  • Investigations: Wildlife Crime Scene Protector; Investigative Interviewing; Witness Statements; Basic Criminology.

The LEADRanger curriculum also includes “Instructional Competencies and Leadership.” Remember: Our goal is not only to give these rangers advanced skills – but to train them as trainers themselves, so they may go and train others. Rangers are physically strong, but their minds are their most effective tools.

LEADRangers on patrol

Commencement Day at Last

After 4.5 months of blood, sweat, and tears, the ranger-students graduated as LEAD Rangers. We’re immensely proud that all participants persevered through to completion of the course. This is commendable, as there was a stringent selection process prior to attending—and the standards and the pace remain high the whole time.

After the graduation ceremony, they each returned to their own protection areas as qualified instructors and leaders, ready to work with and train their fellow rangers to stop the poaching of wildlife and degradation of wild lands.

Our Akashinga Rangers

Pictured here is Juliana, one of IAPF’s Akashinga rangers from Zimbabwe.

Juliana, one of IAPF’s Akashinga rangers

In this celebratory photograph from Graduation Day, Juliana and Petronella proudly pose with their fellow graduates (front row – Juliana 4th from left; Petronella 5th from left).

Team of rangers group photo

The course is led by Director of Operations and Senior Trainer Boris Vos. This course would not have been possible without the help of all the talented instructors who came in to share their knowledge and positive spirit: Asante sana Marcel; Dave and Peter of Fireground Leadership & Training; Stani and Megan Hine; Martin, Johan, and the late Royjan Taylor of Bio-Ken; Eric Sagwe; and last but not least WQ, you know who you are.

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