Stanley & Livingstone Private Game Reserve

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11 Jan 2022
5 min read

Anti-poaching unit & Ranger Training Facility, Zimbabwe

  • IAPF runs the management of the Reserve security and anti-poaching operations which hosted the 2014 44th annual Game Rangers Association of Africa (GRAA)
  • AGM over 5 days
  • Located 10kms minutes from Victoria Falls on the Stanley And Livingstone Private Game Reserve since 2010
  • Home to the IAPF’s Ranger Training Facility
  • Not one animal poached since 2010 under IAPF command despite numerous incidents in surrounding areas and on the Reserve
  • Hosts the only viable breeding population of critically endangered black rhino in the region
  • The nearest other rhino population (
  • The population of critically endangered black rhino under IAPF’s has increased by 133% since 2010
  • A major arrest in the Reserve by IAPF resulted in the 2013 sentencing of 5 poachers, currently serving a collective 37.5 year prison sentence
  • The unit performs daily patrols with Zimbabwe Republic Police who are stationed with the rangers on the reserve in the joint operation.
  • The long-term vision is to use Nakavango as a base to help drive anti-poaching operations throughout the entire area and into Matetsi Safari area
2014 Goals:
  • To train the 49 Park Rangers from Zambezi NP
  • Maintain all wildlife populations within the reserve without loss to poachers
  • Train rangers from around the region as required
  • Year Goals:
  • To establish a permanent mobile training team, based out of Victoria Falls to service the country
  • Grow the Green Army volunteer program at Victoria Falls to overflow into other protected areas around the country
  • Use rhino from the reserve to repopulate other Intensive Protection Zones around the country

The Stanley & Livingstone Private Game Reserve in Victoria Falls is IAPF’s home base in Zimbabwe. It is also the last remaining viable rhino population in Western Zimbabwe. This base enables the protection of the population and surrounding ecosystem; it allows IAPF to train rangers and other personnel in the region; and also provides IAPF with a platform to support local projects and communities. Since early 2010 the IAPF has managed the Anti-poaching unit and security of the Reserve. Since late 2010, not one animal has been poached on the Reserve. IAPF personnel at Victoria Falls have patrolled around 65,110 kms per year ensuring this record has been maintained.

The arrest of 5 poachers hunting these rhino led to a 2013 sentencing of a collective 37.5 years in prison. The rangers involved were able to preserve evidence, which gave prosecution the greatest possible chance of returning a guilty verdict. In a country which was last reported as having a 3% conviction rate for rhino poachers, this result is exceptional.

The ranger and volunteer camps were upgraded in 2013. An observation tower was also erected for the rangers. IAPF also started assisting with the removal of 6kms of defunct telephone lines along the western perimeter of the property.

This wire has been used by poachers in the area for years to make snares for animals. Once collected and rolled, it is burnt, making it too brittle to be used. This wire could have made into 1000’s of wire snares and killed untold numbers of animals. Teams of international volunteers have provided a valuable resource base for driving this operation and the operation generates profit.

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